GEFA is going to represent a broad selection of German companies and brands at the upcoming Alimentaria Barcelona 2020. Due to the current Corona Virus situation the organizers postponed the event.
Germany is a world known exporter of high-quality food and drinks. Currently Germany is the world's third largest exporter of food and agricultural products, and for instance one of the world's largest exporter of cheese, confectionery/sweets and pork meat. The success of German food and drinks abroad is based on the reliable high quality and safety.
An outstanding selection of German companies is presenting their products and brands at the German pavilions, organized on behalf of GEFA e.V. by the GEFA Exportservice GmbH. The German pavilions are located in the International section in hall 2 – G 515 and G 530 and in the Intercarn section in hall 3 - C 700.
German enterprises in this industry are predominantly medium-sized manufacturers. The companies are mainly family-owned or owner-managed and approximately 76% of these companies have fewer than 100 employees. To a great extent this makes them flexible so that they can quickly adjust to constantly changing consumer requirements with creative products. As a result, apparently consumers throughout the world find good reasons to demand these products at an ever-increasing rate. According to surveys, products Made in Germany
are considered to be of a high-quality, strictly monitored; they are consid-ered to be natural and pure, as well as safe. For example, the QS quality scheme for food is an inspection scheme for food from farm to shop that is unique in Europe: since it was founded in 2001, it has been a byword for thorough inspections, reliable traceability and clear labelling of meat, meat products, fruit and vegetables consumers can trust in.
At the same time our behavior, as business people of integrity, is also esteemed: As such, we are considered to be reliable, punctual, and trustworthy. These are characteristics that have allowed us to become the third largest producer of food products, and the largest exporter of cheese and sweet goods, and the largest exporter of agricultural machine technology.
From a number of different perspectives, Germany appears to have only few raw mate-rials, compared with other countries: No oil, no gas, coal production is too expensive, hardly any rare minerals or soils, not a lot of space, with a comparatively high population density. As a consequence, are we poor in raw materials? No. If we take a look at just our industry alone, the basis of human life, then we see, for example:
• The North and the five eastern Federal states as top producers of grain
• Bavaria and Lower Saxony as citadels of milk production and processing
• The famous pork belt along the Dutch border with production of pork, poultry, eggs
When we are asked how we achieve these successes, we refer to the images we have already cited, and to the entrepreneurial initiative of farmers and exporters, high-tech in the barn and on the field, seed innovations, as well as animal breeding, and centuries of experience and know-how. The latter help us in the export departments to integrate the oft-cited CSR factors
as day-to-day business: The CO2 footprint, protection of re-sources, protection of the environment, the health of plants and animals, regionality, and appropriate participation of the employees. And we accomplish this with a clear focus on current world market prices.