For the ninth time, this event will offer an exclusive group of participants the opportunity of exchanging ideas relative to bilateral issues and possibilities of collaboration in the international export policy arena. This year, the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture will present their agricultural development project activities. We look forward again to a networking opportunity with the highranking Diplomats.
After the welcome reption and the introduction given by the GEFA spokesperson, Mr. Kretschmer, we will have two outstanding presentations:
The BMEL's role and approach to agricultural development projects, Parliamentary State Secretary Mrs. Claudia Müller, Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Field report: CD Seed Ethiopia, embedded in the BMEL-funded Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Productivity initiative, develops Ethiopian capacities in the areas of genetic resource conservation, efficient breeding strategies and farmer’s access to improved seed, Dr. Peer Wilde, GIZ Senior Breeding Advisor.
Supported by: German Raiffeisen Federation
Promoted by: German Poultry Association and www.bayer.com